Angstrom Liquid Minerals
What is Angstrom?
Angstrom is the smallest wavelength of light and an Angstrom is a unit of measure used in chemistry to describe the length of molecules. Molecules are groups of atoms. Atoms are the smallest form of anything known to man. Everything we know is made up of atoms that group together to form molecules. Molecules group together to form particles. Particle group together to form microscopic pieces of something. In this case we are talking about small pieces of minerals. Sometimes these particles are called microns. It is like centimeters, inches, feet and yard. Each measurement is getting bigger.
In the mineral world, people use other terms like colloidal and nano meter to create sales hype and confuse the customer. They try to brain wash you as to why their product is better. So I have studied pure chemistry and placed all of these in order.
In Order of largest to smallest
Human hair-- Bacteria--Micron/Particle--Virus--Colloid--Nanometer--Molecule--Atom
This is basic chemistry to help dispel myths about product size
Why does size matter? Larger mineral sizes require more digestive energy to break them do to a point where your body can use them. If you don't have to waste energy on digestion, you can spend that energy on healing. Angstrom Minerals do not waste energy on digestion because they are cell ready. They can enter the cell as soon as they touch it.
Just a few other terms explained:
Angstrom is a measurement to illustrate how small the particles are in the mono-atomic form. Mono=One and Atomic=atom, therefore meaning one atom form. Colloids (like colloidal silver) and complex minerals are all in particle size of approximately a micron. One human hair is about 50 microns wide. An angstrom is 10,000 times smaller than a micron.
In minerals there are several sizes of minerals. A long time ago, man discovered that they eat food to get minerals. So they ate plain minerals to try to add to their health. Minerals were usually in tablets that looked like little rocks. These mineral were had to digest and many even passed right through the digestive tract undissolved. Why? Because they were too big to be used by the human body. They could not stay in the digestive tract long enough to be digested. Then man discovered that adding amino acids with the minerals help them be absorbed into the body. These are called chelated minerals. The word is said (kee late ed). Still not as good as the body needed, but much better than plain rock minerals.
Man Discovered that crushing the minerals and placing them in capsules increased the surface area exposed to the stomach acid and the body could absorb more of the mineral. Mineral assimilation was improving but still the maximum absorption was around 5% to 7%. Then came colloidal minerals, the next big craze. Some people are still stuck there, unknowing that life has passed them on. Smaller than chelated minerals, colloidal minerals showed real hope for improving health. Colloidal silver leads the way in the colloidal market.
So what is a colloid. It simply means one material sandwiched in-between another. So chocolate chip cookies are colloidal cookies. I have to dispel a myth here. NO CHOCOLATE IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU! NO MATTER HOW MANY ANTI-OXIDANTS THEY CLAIM- The negative affects far out weigh the antioxidants you get from it. Colloidal can be small particles or larger particles.
Today we have Angstrom Minerals. They are so small they can enter a cell with out digestion. Angstrom silver is smaller than colloidal silver. Angstrom silver can pass in and out of the cell with ease. Colloidal silver is in particle size that gets stuck in the cell and over use can turn you blue. You can make colloidal silver at home. It is about 30 ppm max. You cannot make angstrom silver at home. It is about 300 ppm. So you see it is about 10 X stronger than colloidal. Why can't you make it at home? Because it is a special process that is trademarked and is not given out how to do it to the public.
How to Measure Mineral Content
Angstrom liquid minerals and other liquid minerals are rated in ppm or parts per million. I have to say right now that 500 ppm colloidal mineral is not as strong as 500 ppm angstrom sized mineral. It goes back to the size and digestion time again.
Regular minerals and colloidal minerals get a standard 5% to 7% assimilation into the body. The maximum they can get is about 10%. That could only be reached by someone with a great digestive tract. Do you have gas, bloating, acid re-flux. You like most people do not have great digestion or you would not be looking for minerals to supplement your diet. So you get about 55 to 7% absorption rate on your minerals.
When the FDA set up the standards. The set up the RDA (recommended daily allowance) for minerals on those standards. They have never tested minerals that are so absorbable like angstrom minerals. Some people tell me,:
I would have to drink your whole
bottle to get that every day.
Your minerals are too expensive !"
They do not understand. If you need 800 mg a day by the FDA standard, you are really getting about 40 to 56 mg of "USABLE" Mineral. The rest is just passing through. You take less Angstrom mineral to achieve the same thing. You would only need 40 to 56 mg.
Here is the math.
(What ever the need mg) X (5% to 7% absorption) = (Net mineral received). You judge on the 5% to 7% if you think you have great digestion.
So know you kneed to know how to convert ppm to mg so you can compare and know how much to use. The following link list the parts per million and mg per Teaspoon for each of our Angstrom Minerals.