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Liquid Germanium Supplement

What are the benefits of using Germanium?

Germanium is necessary for the optimum nutrition of the human body.  This element is amazing as it raises the level of activity of various organs by enabling them to attract more oxygen.  It is responsible for providing more oxygen to the body as well as expelling harmful pollutants and pathogens or rendering them harmless.

Germanium functions in the body:  Maintaining a strong immune system, Production of killer cells and T-suppresser cells, Electron transmission, Expelling pollutants and pathogens, Providing more oxygen to the vital organs. 

Germanium is an element that is structured to act as a semiconductor as it accepts and transmits electrons.  A German, Clemens Winkler in 1886 scientist (thus the name Germanium) discovered it. It is closely related to the element's carbon and silica.  In human biology germanium is highly efficient as an intracellular electrical impulse initiator.   It helps correct distortions in the electrical aggregate of the human body and is a metallic cofactor for oxygen utilization.  "This amazing element raises the level of activity of various organs by enabling them to attract more oxygen." 45

"The 'holy waters' at Lourdes, known world wide for their healing properties contains large amounts of germanium." 46   Germanium is necessary to maintain a strong immune system.    Dr. Azuhiko Asai, of Tokyo, Japan, who discovered the nutritional properties of germanium, was able to connect the healing properties of certain herbs to relatively high levels of germanium.  Germanium is known to enhance the immune system by stimulating production of natural killer cells and T-suppressor cells.  "Organic germanium has proven successful in dealing with pathologies including asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, inflammation of maxillary sinus, neuralgia, leukemia, softening of brain tissues, myoma of the uterus, neurotic disorders, nephritis, hepatic cirrhosis and various cancers (breast, lung, bladder, larynx) according to the research findings of Dr. Asia." 47 Researchers in Russia found that germanium could be attributed to anti-cancer activity. 

Germanium is still being researched for all of its possible supplementary applications.  Due to the life giving oxygen that germanium brings to the body, it is believed that this alone is a major part of why it is such a dynamic element.  Germanium deficiencies are typified by severely reduced immune status, arthritis, osteoporosis, low energy and cancer.  Many naturopathic physicians are using germanium with individuals that have a serious illness that require an increased oxygen level in the body.



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  • Bernard Jensen, Ph.D., The Chemistry of Man, (Bernard Jensen, 1983) page 376.
  • Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND & Ma Lan, MD, MS, Rare Earths Forbidden Cures, (Double Happiness Publishing Co., 1995) page 335.
  • Bernard Jensen, Ph.D., The Chemistry of Man, (Bernard Jensen, 1983) page 377.