Real Minerals Do NOT Taste Like Chocolate!

New Vitamins Now Available!

8 oz Miracle Mag Magnesium Supplement by Angstrom Minerals 62000 ppm

Sale price $69.95 Regular price $74.95

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Magnesium Concentrate- Miracle Mag 

Because it is ionic.....

Because it is sublingual...

Because it is 99.9% Elemental...

YOU Get 20 X the absorption of tablets and capsules!

62000 ppm =310 mg per tsp Elemental Magnesium

Dosage: 1/2 tsp

Taste: Strong salty taste. It's a concentrate!

Because you only absorb somewhere around 5% of tablets and capsules,

1000 mg is really only 50 Mg absorbed!

Elemental magnesium is 99.9% absorbed without the bad laxative effect!

Liquids are measured in ppm not mg

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