Supplements that actually WORK!

Liquid Silica Supplement

What does Silica do in the body?

Silica is one of the most needed minerals for strong hair and nails. Silica helps form the building blocks of collagen, an important protein found in your skin, blood, cartilage, muscles and ligaments. Collagen is needed to keep skin springy and elastic, and provide crucial protection and structure to your organs and joints. When combined with sulfur, the process of making strong hair and nails begins. Silica activates sodium, potassium and magnesium to help build a lean agile body. It reinforces the cell membranes throughout the body, arterial walls, throat walls, uterine lining, walls of the digestive tract, the spinal and cerebral dura matter and of course, Hair and Nails.
Angstrom Silica

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